
Spencer Unified Golf Tournament

  • August 16, 2015
  • Spencer Municipal Golf Course
  • 8:30 am

There are many levels to Unified Sports.  Special Olympics Iowa Unified Golf follows the guidelines for Unified Development: paring up athletes (individuals with intellectual disabilities) with partners (golfers without intellectual disabilities) who are more knowledgeable about the sport to compete in a team environment.

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Need to quench your thirst? Stop at Casey’s to get the SOIA Casey’s Cup this summer!

cupsSpecial Olympics Iowa athletes and law enforcement officials are being showcased on the 44-ounce cups at Casey’s General Stores throughout the state. The cups will be available in stores from Memorial Day through Labor Day with a portion of the proceeds from each Casey’s Cup sold going to SOIA.

Casey’s and Special Olympics Iowa are also challenging customers to take photos of themselves with the cups, and each week, a winner will be chosen to receive a free Casey’s pizza. A grand-prize winner will be chosen at the end of

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Des Moines Polar Plunge Moves to Jordan Creek Town Center in 2015

letr-polar-plunge-logoSpecial Olympics Iowa and Jordan Creek Town Center announced a new partnership that will bring the Des Moines area Polar Plunge to Jordan Creek Town Center on Saturday, November 7, 2015. The Polar Plunge is a signature fundraiser for Special Olympics and offers a unique opportunity for individuals and organizations to raise money and support Special Olympics Iowa athletes by plunging into frigid waters.

“We are excited to be able to partner with Jordan Creek Town Center and see this great event unite our surrounding communities, and the families who live within them, for a day of fun,” said Special Olympics Iowa President and CEO Gary Harms.  “The location and amenities are a perfect combination to give our plungers, fans, families and Special Olympics athletes a fantastic experience while braving icy waters to support individuals with intellectual disabilities.”

The Polar Plunge will take place at Jordan Creek Town Center with festivities beginning at noon. Plungers, fans, families and athletes will witness the fun in the freezing waters while enjoying a wide variety of family-friendly activities.

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