Hall of Fame

Back row (left to right): Bruce Barnett, Martin Wright, Trudy Messerschmidt, Paula Zillmer, Julie Brummer, Joshua Dobbs, Rolla Lucas
Front row (left to right):
Peggy Koele, Neme Lawler, Kathy King, Charity Hodson, Jane Bergendahl, Amy Hickey

2023 Inductees
Joshua Dobbs
Amy Hickey
Charity Hodson
Rolla Lucas
Bruce Barnett
Jane Bergendahl
Peggy Koele
SW Area Committee – Trudy Messerschmidt, Neme Lawler, Kathy King, Paula Zillmer, Julie Brummer, and Martin Wright

Past Hall of Fame Inductees



The SOIA Hall of Fame was created in 2018 by the Board of Directors as a way to recognize the longevity and achievement of athletes and volunteers with the organization.  A voting committee, appointed by the Hall of Fame Chair, is responsible for reviewing all nominations and voting for the inductees.  A permanent display will be housed at the Special Olympics Iowa State office in Grimes.


Athlete Prerequisites: 

  • Athlete has participated for a minimum of 10 years.
  • Athlete must have illustrated dedication to sport-specific training and competition.
  • Athlete has demonstrated positive sportsmanship conduct.
  • Athlete has displayed a positive attitude for his/her events thereby encouraging others to participate in that particular sports.
  • Athlete demonstrates a significant positive impact within the Special Olympics movement.

  Volunteer Prerequisites (includes coaches, event volunteers, LETR, etc):  

  • Volunteer has had no less than 10 years of ongoing involvement in Special Olympics.
  • Volunteer demonstrates behavior and conduct associated with integrity and sportsmanship.
  • Volunteer has demonstrated involvement on various levels.

NOMINATIONS:  Nominations must be postmarked by October 4.  They will be sought via the Special Olympics Iowa mailing list (Board Members, Special Olympics Iowa Staff, Area Directors and Newsletter) and social media promotion.  Click here for an Athlete Nomination Form or a Volunteer Nomination Form.

VOTING COMMITTEE:   The Voting Committee will be composed of a maximum of seven members.  The Hall of Fame chair will select members of the Voting Committee.  This Committee will include Special Olympics Iowa staff member(s), Special Olympics Iowa Board of Director(s), Parent(s) of an athlete, one past inductee of the Special Olympics Iowa Hall of Fame (will be added after year one).  The voting committee can change members from year to year.

VOTING PROCESS:  Each person on the Voting Committee will have the opportunity to read every nomination form. Upon reading the forms, each person will cast a vote.

INDUCTEES:  The inductees will be announced at the SOIA Holiday Party.  The Holiday Party is on December 12, 2024.

AWARD:   Each recipient will receive a plaque, and their name will be recognized on a plaque at the SOIA State Office.