Board of Directors

The Special Olympics Iowa Board of Directors is made up of volunteer members, including one athlete representative. The Board meets four times annually to determine policy, plans and administrative details of the organization.

Information for Board Members: CLICK HERE

Executive Committee:

Tom Cunningham
Nyemaster Goode, PC

Board Chair

Jason Follett
Iowa State University

Vice Chair

Mary Buscher
Sammons Financial Group


Kathleen Rasmussen
Empirical Technology


Board Members:

Michael Baca
Community Advocate

Matt Decklever

Ray Dirksen
Dallas County Sheriff’s Office

Matt Dougan
Retired, Hy-Vee, Inc




Christine Gosch
Hy-Vee Representative

Patrick Gulbranson
Special Olympics Iowa Athlete

Ryan Johnson
Two Rivers Marketing

Jolene Lensing
Denny Elwell Company

Deb Middle
Village Northwest Unlimited




Maggie Pickett
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

Tracy Rininger
Muscatine Community YMCA




John Scallon

Lisa Spencer
Special Olympics Iowa Athlete

Dana Uhlenhopp
Lincoln Savings Bank