For the run, officers carry the Special Olympics Flame of Hope along planned routes, covering all corners of the state. For the Final Leg, officers run the torch from Des Moines to Ames, converging on Hilton Coliseum. The torch is passed to a Special Olympics Iowa athlete who lights the Olympic flame at the Opening Ceremonies of the Special Olympics Iowa Summer Games. Officers around the state collect donations for the opportunity to run or bike in the Final Leg.
2024 Final Leg – Thursday, May16th
9:30am Opening Ceremony DPS Building, 215 E 7th St, Des Moines
10:15am Run Departs for Ames
To purchase Torch Run t-shirts, click HERE.
Why Run the Torch Run?
For questions, to participate in the Final Leg or to start a Torch Run in your area, contact Maddie Cory, Director of Law Enforcement Torch Run